Hello Tina.

I personally dislike the persons withBlindness, andprefer Person who is blind, or Blind and partially sighted in a broader context.

As for publishing it is fine that there is a statement on the website.

The last linewhich reads:

The Nordic Braille Committee is a collaboration between Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland

I think we should add that it is a collaborationbetween the national Braille councils the respective countries.

BR. Jesper.


Fra: Tina Thøgersen via Nordicbraille <nordicbraille@list.punktskriftutvalget.no>
Sendt: 31. oktober 2023 23:06
Til: Hans Anton Ålien <hans.alien@vegvesen.no>; nordicbraille@list.punktskriftutvalget.no
Emne: [Nordicbraille] Re: Statement draft


Dear all,


Thank you for your good comments and corrections.


Jesper asked where to publish it and how to use it. As I understood it, our hosts would like to have a statement on their website: Icelandic national institute for the blind, visually impaired, and deafblind in Iceland.


I have corrected “used by”.

I have looked up “competency”. The choice of competency vs. competence is a grey zone in this case. As I understand the descriptions of the two words, competence would refer to everyone’s competences to use Braille, whereas competency would mean a professional knowledge about Braille. We do need that, but the final goal is to maintain and develop competences for each individual. So, I think competence is our preferred sense of the word.


Regarding blind people vs. people with blindness, I am very loose in my attitude, but I intended not to hurt any of you😊 Sometimes with blindness is nice and formal. I have written blind people one time now. Try to read it, and find out if it would be more direct, casual, authentic, whatever if I change it to blind people.


I have added a fairly long introduction and a heading. Is it a good frame, or is our message drowning?



Nordic Braille Meeting 2023


On October the 25th and 26th, we gathered in Reykjavik for our annual meeting in the Nordic Braille Committee. At the meeting, we shared news from each country and enjoyed presentations about Braille and mathematics, revision of the Danish Braille code, the bumpy path to make good Braille music on paper, the development of a multi-lined Braille display intended for images and a presentation manifesting the usability and necessity of Braille for blind people in all aspects of life. All of this together resulted in a wish to communicate the need for Braille as we do below.


Braille means access

he ability to read Braille at a proficient level is crucial for people with blindness in order to pursue our dreams of education, employment and leisure activities as equal members of society.

Braille is the basis of learning for people with blindness, not an additive. Braille allows for learning how to spell for immersion and for a sense of space. Reading with sound cannot substitute reading Braille.


People with blindness constitute a very small group, and knowledge of Braille and how to teach it is therefore scarce and difficult to maintain.


Through our collaboration in the Nordic Braille Committee, we strive to:


The Nordic Braille Committee is a collaboration between Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland




Med venlig hilsen


Tina S. Thøgersen

Læse- og studievejleder



IBOS - Instituttet for Blinde og Svagsynede

Rymarksvej 1, DK-2900 Hellerup

+45 39 45 25 96

JH86@kk.dk, sikker e-mail: ibos@kk.dk


Fra: Hans Anton Ålien <hans.alien@vegvesen.no>
Sendt: 31. oktober 2023 13:37
Til: Tina Thøgersen <JH86@kk.dk>; nordicbraille@list.punktskriftutvalget.no
Emne: SV: [Nordicbraille] Re: Statement draft


Thank you very much, Tina! This looks great!


Just a few minor comments/suggestions:





Fra: John Heilbrunn - Øjenhøjde Aps <jdh@oejenhoejde.dk>
Sendt: tirsdag 31. oktober 2023 10:46
Til: 'Tina Thøgersen' <JH86@kk.dk>; nordicbraille@list.punktskriftutvalget.no
Emne: [Nordicbraille] Re: Statement draft


Quite well put tina. If the issue on braille education at a competent level is included in your bullet 3, I think the wording and goals are well put.




Fra: Tina Thøgersen via Nordicbraille <nordicbraille@list.punktskriftutvalget.no>
Sendt: 30. oktober 2023 22:52
Til: nordicbraille@list.punktskriftutvalget.no
Emne: [Nordicbraille] Statement draft


Dear all,


I also wish to thank you for two very nice days with very good presentations. I enjoyed Iceland very much and hope to come back there some day.


The remaining participants at the meeting on Thursday agreed to formulate a statement about the common goals of our collaboration.


Here is an attempt. I was given very free hands, so please feel equally free to suggest corrections and alterations.


Nordic Braille Meeting 2023


On October the 25th and 26th, we gathered in Reykjavik for our annual meeting in the Nordic Braille Committee. At the meeting, we shared news from each country and enjoyed presentations about Braille and mathematics, revision of the Danish Braille code, the bumpy path to make good Braille music on paper, the development of a multi-lined Braille display intended for images and a presentation manifesting the usability and necessity of Braille for blind people in all aspects of life. All of this together resulted in a wish to communicate the need for Braille as we do below.


Braille means access

he ability to read Braille at a proficient level is crucial for people with blindness in order to pursue our dreams of education, employment and leisure activities as equal members of society.

Braille is the basis of learning for people with blindness, not an additive. Braille allows for learning how to spell for immersion and for a sense of space. Reading with sound cannot substitute reading Braille.


People with blindness constitute a very small group, and knowledge of Braille and how to teach it is therefore scarce and difficult to maintain.


Through our collaboration in the Nordic Braille Committee, we strive to:


The Nordic Braille Committee is a collaboration between Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland



Med venlig hilsen


Tina S. Thøgersen

Læse- og studievejleder



IBOS - Instituttet for Blinde og Svagsynede

Rymarksvej 1, DK-2900 Hellerup

+45 39 45 25 96

JH86@kk.dk, sikker e-mail: ibos@kk.dk