Excellent, I am greatful that I am on this list.


Fra: Tim Arborealis <tim.arborealis@mtm.se>
Sendt: 1. februar 2024 17:32
Til: nordicbraille@list.punktskriftutvalget.no
Emne: [Nordicbraille] Nordic Braille STEM mailing list


Dear all,


We have a new mailing list for the Nordic braille STEM group! Many thanks to Lars for setting it up.


It is meant to be a tool for collaboration, sharing thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions and such. It can also be used for meeting invites if a bigger discussion around a specific topic is needed.


If you did not receive a welcome e-mail and want to be added to the list, please e-mail me or Lars and we will add you.


Best regards,

Tim Arborealis

Production Manager


Swedish Agency of Accessible Media, MTM

Box 51, 201 20 Malmö, Sweden
Vsiting address: Hans Michelsensgatan 2, 211 20 Malmö, Sweden
Tel: 040-6532760| Mobile: 072-8542396
tim.arborealis@mtm.se | www.mtm.se | www.legimus.se | Facebook



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