Hello All.

With only 1 month to go until our meeting in Iceland, I would like to update you on the Danish delegation participants.


Physical participants:

Jesper Bentil Holten. DAB.

Christian Bundgaard DaB

Lene (Guide)

Tina Thøgersen (Institute for the Blind +Guide

Anne Sofie Jensen (Institute for the Blind)

+ Anne (Guide)

Jesper  Kryger )Nota)


Virtual Participation:

Annie Skov, (DaB)  John Heilbrunn, (DaB)  Dorte  Larsen , (Synscenter Refsnæs)  Liselotte Andersen, (Synscenter Refsnæs) Dan Dan Albrechtsen (Nota) If you need mail adresses please let me know to whom I should send them off list.

As mentioned previously

Those who travel to Iceland will arrive around 3:30 P.M. and Daparture is on the 26th around 3:00 P.m.

I hope we will soon see A programme for the event which we all look forward to!

Best regards, Jesper.


Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Jesper Bentil Holten
Medlem af Forretningsudvalget / Executive member
Dansk Blindesamfund (DBS) / Danish Association of the Blind (DAB)

Logo - Dansk Blindesamfund

Telefon/Phone +45 23 40 92 29
Mobil/Cell +45 23 40 92 29

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