Thank you also from my behalf and I hope that despite worrying news, you are all okay in Iceland!

Best Regards,

Susanna Hannu

Braille instructor from Nokia (Finland)

Piili-Jokinen Tuija (Valteri) kirjoitti 21.12.2023 klo 11.53:



I´d like to thank you all too. Thanks, Hjalti, Ásdís ja you all there in Iceland ja you all in the Nordic countries. We had so nice meeting!

Be well and Merry Christmas and happy New Year!



Best Regards,




Tuija Piili-Jokinen

Ohjaava opettaja, Näkövammaisten opettaja, KM

Consulting Teacher

Oppimis- ja ohjauskeskus Valteri, Onerva

Valteri Centre for Learning and Consulting, Onerva

0295 332 727



Lähettäjä: John Heilbrunn - Øjenhøjde Aps <>
Lähetetty: keskiviikko 20. joulukuuta 2023 17.03
Vastaanottaja: Celia braille <>;;
Aihe: [Nordicbraille] Re: Invitation to the Nordic Meeting 2024 in Helsinki


Great input and thanks for this timely notice. Already looking forward to the meeting.



Fra: Celia braille <>
Sendt: 20. december 2023 14:14
Emne: [Nordicbraille] Invitation to the Nordic Meeting 2024 in Helsinki


Hello all,


at first, I want to thank Hjalti, Ásdís and all your colleagues for hosting a very interesting meeting in October! Because of the latest news, I'm worried about you all in Iceland and I hope you all the best.


In the meeting was decided to have the next meeting in Helsinki, Finland. We discussed already the suitable date: the meeting will be held on 9th-10th October 2024. Save the date!


There are some themes already that you were interested to talk about in the next meeting. The topics are:


Artificial Intelligence and Braille

8-dot Braille

Braille Notes


Of course we can talk about some other topics also, you can send the topics you want to discuss about, or you want to have a presentation, to the address Also please let us know if the date is not suitable for you.


But before that, I wish you all can soon have a break from work and some time to relax.


Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!


Best Regards,




Marjo Kauttonen

Suunnittelija / Planerare / Coordinator

Saavutettavuuskirjasto Celia / Tillgänglighetsbiblioteket Celia / Accessibility Library Celia


Otsikko: Celian logo - Kuvaus: Iso vihreä C-kirjain, joka on osa Celian logoa.


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