Hi Jesper and all!


Punktskriftsnämnden, The Swedish Braille Authority, is inviting to a physical meeting in Malmö – with possibility for online participation. We are happy to arrange the meeting during this year of celebration.


Proposed time for the meeting: late October or November. Two days as previous meetings, preferably Thursday to Friday, e.g.:


We know that we should avoid the dates November 10–14, due to a Norwegian conference. Do let us know if any of the dates above are unsuitable for the meeting.


Kind regards,

Björn Westling


Björn Westling



Myndigheten för tillgängliga medier, MTM

Swedish Agency for Accessible Media, MTM

Adress / Postal address: Box 51, SE-201 20 Malmö

Besöksadress / Visiting address: Hans Michelsensgatan 2


Tel.: +46 40 653 27 56 / +46 76 540 27 86


www.mtm.se | www.legimus.se | Facebook









Från: Jesper Bentil Holten via Nordicbraille <nordicbraille@list.punktskriftutvalget.no>
Skickat: den 4 mars 2025 13:36
Till: nordicbraille@list.punktskriftutvalget.no
Ämne: [Nordicbraille] Our next nordic meeting.


Dear All.

I hope you are all well. At our last national Braill committee  meeting we evaluated but also discussed our next meeting. During the discussion  we found out that there was some confusion as to how and when the next Nordic meeting is taking place?

Is it in Sweeden in a physical form, or is it fully Virtual?

When are the conference supposed to take place? And if virtual how do we ensure propper planning?

Kindest regards, Jesper.

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Jesper Bentil Holten
Medlem af Forretningsudvalget / Executive member
Dansk Blindesamfund (DBS) / Danish Association of the Blind (DAB)

Logo - Dansk Blindesamfund

Telefon/Phone +45 23 40 92 29
Mobil/Cell +45 23 40 92 29

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